Thursday 22 November 2007

Monday 12 November – Wednesday 21 November 2007

Sorry if you have been logging on for a weekly update of my adventures but my slot last Sunday got replaced by a “friendly” family game of cards.

To be honest most of last week (the weeks are starting to now merge into one) was spent at work. The time sheet says 63 hours and it certainly felt like it.

Spent most of Monday doing committee reports and catching up.

Tuesday: I gave a presentation to a County Council scrutiny board updating our joint work with the County which is well advanced in terms of enhanced two tier working as part of our Warwickshire Direct customer service delivery model. On the 1pm train to London where I met with John Cremin who is working with us on our shared service feasibility study with Coventry (The CANWE project). I meet up with David and Gary Watson in the early evening to discuss Gary’s transition from Council member to Deputy Chief Executive on 1 January 2008. Back home to do a few hours before hitting the hay.

Wednesday: Another full day in the office agreeing next year’s budget and service delivery plan amongst other things.

Thursday: An early management team at 8am is followed by a series of meetings most of the day. Met up with an old work colleague for lunch (a rare treat...note to self: must do this more often). A very late finish as I hadn’t done any preparation for the following days association meeting where we hosted 40 odd other Councils for the day. Finish at midnight and back in work by 7am (very sad!)

Friday: People start arriving at 9.15am as the last slide is just about finished, the pull ups erected and coffee cups arranged. A well-attended day sees us celebrating our success with others (see IRRV website/West Midlands Association for slides) followed by a meeting of the Warwickshire Revs and Bens group. Its Children in Need day, but because of the event I didn’t dare dress down or up as people were visiting. It doesn’t stop Andy “Rodriguez” Jones from Warwick DC turning up for the meeting in “poncho and sombrero” (watch this space for the evidence). I must be less reserved next year.

A quick shower then out for a curry with 45 of the staff to celebrate our LGC and IRRV wins this year (not that we need much of an excuse). I promise myself an early night as I’m shattered. Turn in way after 1pm meaning the early Saturday morning at work is more “elevensies” before leaving early evening picking up a chinese on the way home. The study is full of bags of Xmas shopping so looks like Julie has given the plastic a good workout today.

Sunday: my mum and dad are coming for dinner today so on a three line whip to be back from work by 1pm. A quick catch up with David in the evening and I do my slides for the CRM conference.

Monday: Another day in the office before meeting up with a few fellow Council members to discuss a few institute issues over dinner at the Chesford Grange in advance of the CRM conference.

Tuesday: Kick off the CRM conference (we are going to rename it next year because it really is less technical and more about celebrating excellence in customer service delivery) before driving over to Kettering to attend the launch of their joint NVQ assessment centre with 3 other Northampton authorities. A great event meeting the people who are involved both assessors and students before getting back on the road to get back to the Chesford for a West Mids exec meeting late afternoon. A bit of a false start as we get confused on the room we are using and have to start the agenda again when we realise our mistake as we have exec members sitting in two different rooms. Doh! Just time for a quick shower before hosting the drinks reception with our key sponsors Gandlake and a very enjoyable dinner. In bed before midnight (I’ve learnt from last Friday) as am up early to catch up on a few e-mails before a power cut hits the hotel

Wednesday: I have never had breakfast by candlelight and never with another man as I meet David for a breakfast meeting with a rep of the hotel.
Present the first paper of the day before facilitating a session with David for Councils impacted by the forthcoming Local Government reorganisation

A quick lunch before driving back to Warwickshire for the second half of an event facilitated by the IdeA discussing LAA commitments with stakeholders from across our borough. For once I am home at a normal hour. As I have to organise tea as Julie has a late committee meeting, it’s the chip shop for tea for Louis and I. A night watching the match is soon less attractive as England go 2 nil down inside 15 minutes so get my expenses out to do with one eye on the tv. Whilst not a huge football fan (more into the odd shaped ball) I am patriotic and it is disappointing to see us lose. On the train early so not too late out of bed.

Signing off as I have just arrived in Euston as I am at Wimbledon for a lunch hosted by the Institute of Clerks of Work.